月曜日, 7月 03, 2006

I tip my hat to ye.

This will be in English and you`ll understand why soon.

I just finished watching the DVD (an actual complete DVD...with extras for f"#$&in' sake) that Chris for all the JETs leaving or staying. I wasn`t going to say anything about it in my blog actually. But the emotion is a bit too overwhelming. In an hour or so, I saw the last 2 years fly by: The good, the great and the magical. Man it goes by fast...already 24 months...I have lived things I will never forget. The things I have discovered here, I would of never had the courage to discover them sitting at home in my comfy, not too exotic, not too demanding Quebec. Books, music, sports, games and more importantly people, friends.

Thanks Chris for that, that was an amazing gift. I`ll cherish it for a long time.

Now the only thing left is to prepare to say goodbye...


Blogger MAF said...

Wow, ca doit être émouvant de voir tout ce périple résumé en un seul vidéo. L'année prochaine, ce sera probablement ton tour d'en préparer un...
Et en passant, bonne chance pour les aux-revoirs. C'est jamais évident de laisser partir ceux que l'on apprécie.

12:11 午前  


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